Amaka Faith, a corps member from Lagos who recently completed her NYSC program, shared her immense joy on social media after being retained by the organization where she served. Her happiness was evident in a heartwarming video she posted on TikTok, which quickly gained attention.
In the video, Faith captures the moment she learned the exciting news via email. Her elation is palpable as she recounts her initial surprise and overwhelming joy at being officially hired as a staff member.
Faith explains in the clip how her performance during her NYSC placement impressed her employers, leading to this wonderful opportunity. Her dedication and hard work throughout the program evidently did not go unnoticed.
The email she received marked her transition from a corps member to a full-time employee. This official communication confirmed that her contributions during her service year were highly valued and rewarded with a permanent position.
Sharing her story on TikTok, Faith’s video has resonated with many viewers, showcasing the positive outcomes that dedication and commitment can bring. Her experience stands as an inspiring example for other corps members striving to make a lasting impact during their service year.
“Check your mail. You have been retained. From corper to staff,” she wrote.
@Tolu said: “Congratulations. Make my own PPA no retain me sha. Dem no dey pay.”
@Remilekun said: “Congratulations. NYSC should release our call-up letter.”
@Ighodaro precious said: “My own company wants to retain me. I reject them with speed. No be me and them for that office. Work Monday to Saturday including public holidays.”
@user8117207325186 said: “Congratulations dear! I wish my PPA would retain me. I’m passing out in October. I pray for this kind of news.”
@Itzpwecillah said: “Congratulations! I love your hair; please, can you tell me the product?”
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