Popular actress Nkechi Blessing recently left fans gushing with admiration after she leaked a chat with famed singer Davido. This comes just a few days after she adopted his surname, sparking a buzz among netizens.
Previously, Nkechi faced criticism online when she shared a video of her bedroom, which prominently featured a framed photo of herself with Davido. The photo fueled speculation and discussions among her followers and fans of the singer.
In a recent post on her Instagram page, Nkechi shared a series of photos of herself alongside a screenshot of a direct message from Davido. The DM exchange showed a warm interaction between the actress and the singer.
Nkechi expressed her admiration for Davido and his wife, Chioma, highlighting a beautiful moment they shared together. The heartfelt message and candid chat quickly garnered attention and praise from her followers.
Davido replied her message and described her as his sister.
Netizens who spotted the screenshot of their chats have fawned, calling her an Adeleke.
Allshadeof_she wrote: “Nkechi Adeleke for a reason”
Fabric By Ivy wrote, “Is the last slide me. You go finish them
Ogoo Chilos stated: “Ada Adeleke”
Zizy77333 wrote: “Mama, you are doing well”
Vicsiy_Abie commented: “Adeleke”
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